
My life is really good right now. I am happily married to a great guy.

I do not have a bucket list, although there are many things that I want to do and like to try.  Since I read a lot, I come across adventures, restaurants, hotels, experiences all the time. For anything new, I might decide that I want to try it. Once that happens, I feel obligated to share what I thought of what happened.

I have tried to keep my opinions to myself, but I cannot help it.

This is what this blog is about. I like sharing my reviews and experiences in a way that you might not have thought of before. I try to be fair. When there is something that I don’t like, I want you to know why. Maybe if you try it, you will have a different opinion. That is fine with me. At least I encouraged you to try something that you might not have been interested in before you read my post.

My intention is to post on days that are multiples of 5 just because that is easier for me than trying to figure out what date corresponds to the Monday and Wednesday of each week. This way, I can have up to a month worth of posts in advance scheduled. You would not believe how many books reviews I have pending right now. I love to read. Most nights I read instead of watching TV. Some times I will spend two days reading and that might equate to 5 or 6 books. But I do not want to inundate you with 10 reviews in one week and then have dry spell for a month. Intermingled with the book posts are the reviews for other random events, restaurants, and/or topics.

Most of the book reviews have links embedded into the review that allow you to go Amazon to purchase the book. I earn commission as an Amazon affiliate. Thanks for your support!

Many of the pictures on my blog are ones that I have taken and edited. The gifs that I use are mostly ones that I found online using Google images. I do not always give the credit in the blog post, but I try to keep the embedded link as a trackback. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any information from this blog without express and written permission from me is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Amaryllis Turman as the author.

Guest bloggers are welcome! I welcome any topic as long as the post is in the form of a review.

  • Post word count should be between 300-600 words (excludes the bio).
  • Be sure to include pictures. By sending me the post with pictures, you are confirming that the pictures are from a copyright safe source. If other people are in the picture, you are confirming that you have their approval for their likeness to be published on the Internet.
  • You can insert links into your post, but I will publish links at my discretion.
  • Be sure to include a bio (around 50-75 words).
  • Send a list of SEO key words related to your post to improve search engine traffic.
  • Since I post on days that are multiples of 5, if you have a certain day  you want to post, let me know that as well. If that day is available, I am willing to accommodate.

To initiate a guest post request, comment on this page or email me amaryllisturman (at) gmail (dot) com.

My blog, my rules. I admit I am a dictator. 


14 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: WordPress Family Award | allergictolifemybattle

  2. Pingback: Time for Awards! | The Reading Bud

  3. Pingback: TRB’s Year In Book Reviews (2015) | The Reading Bud

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