
One Lovely Blog Award

Extra post alert!!

BIG Thanks to , I have been awarded the Lovely Blog Award.

I guess she gets my weird.

Since I choose to accept this nomination, I have to follow the instructions (that’s how they get ya) and I will try to do my best to keep this going…

Rules of the one lovely blog award…

  • You must thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
  • You must list the rules and display the award.
  • You must add 7 facts about yourself.
  • You must nominate 15 other bloggers and comment on one of their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
  • You must display the award logo and follow the blogger who nominated you.

Rule 1 & 2 & 5 already done.

7 Facts about myself

  1. My favorite romance author is Amanda Quick. Her heroes are always so dreamy, even when they are trying to be dour. I like the strong silent type. I think that is what attracted me to my hubby. I digress…
  2. I like camping. My hubby introduced me to the outdoor life and I love it (as long as I have electrical hookup, running water, my kindle, ipad, and decent phone reception :))
  3. I am in love with food (but you probably could tell that already).
  4. I read my poetry at open mic events in my hometown.
  5. I made it a personal goal this year to read the entire Bible in less than a year. I am 75% through so I think I will make my goal.
  6. I like to play tennis. Sometimes when I serve, I pretend to be Serena Williams.
  7. Sometimes I read the dictionary for fun. I admit I am a logophile (word lover)
  8. An extra fact: Today 9/5/2014 is my 3 year blog-aversary!!!!

Nominating bloggers for this award

This is me right now 

soooooo I am only nominating 9 blogs.

WordPress Family Award

WordPress Family Award

I am a major procrastinator at times and this is why, even though I received this award last month, I am just getting around to acknowledging it. Sorry Kathryn!

Thanks for the “WordPress Family Award”. I like being part of a global community where people can share their thoughts and ideas with others.

The rules for this award are simple.  They are:  1) Display the award logo on your blog; 2) Link back to the person who nominated you; 3) Nominate 10 others you see as having an impact on your WordPress experience and family;  4) Let your 10 Family members know you have awarded them; and  5) That is it.  Just please pick 10 people who have taken you as a friend, and spread the love.

I have not been able to spend much time as I would like to finding new blogs, so my friend’s blogs might have been recognized by me before.

  1. Alesia blogs – she is gone for the summer but when she returns she will have interesting, fun stories about family and life
  2. Cosmic Chaos – she is a friend of mine that I met through the local writing group in my hometown. She is also an awesome poet and most recently a published author. Her book Blood Adversaries is now available on Amazon. BUY her book!!!
  3. Love Life and Creative Things – she has not posted in several months, but I just go and look at her maple bacon cupcake picture. Mmmm bacon
  4. Bruce Louis Dodson – he moved to Sweden and I am living vicariously through his experiences. I also like the cat tales. Hilarious.
  5. Raani York – she has funny down-to-earth letters to celebs that make me laugh out loud.
  6. August McLaughlin – she post very intellectual, thought provoking posts that have me thinking long after I am finished reading.

And because I am feeling lazy, I did not include 10 blogs like I am supposed to. There are a lot of great bloggers out there. I plan to get more connected in the future.

Liebster Blog award

liebesterThanks Rohan for nominating my blog for the Liebster Award. Thanks for thinking of me 🙂

Questions to Answer

1. What is your favorite kitchen? My kitchen when hubby is cooking some of his seriously good eats

2. What you hate the most about people? I hate the senseless violence and cruelty against woman, children, animals… well, violence and cruelty period.

3 . Where would you travel first, if the money won`t matter? I would go to Japan the foodie capital of the world. Home of the ramen. Yum!

5. What is your favorite part of the day? Why? Nighttime because I get my best creative ideas when I am getting ready to go bed. It’s a blessing and a curse…

6. Where would you like to live? Belize- the birthplace of my Nana

7. What is  one of the funniest things you have ever done? Sang karaoke with friends “Friends in low places” by Garth Brooks- it was pretty hilarious

8.  Which movie is better than the book? Don’t know if that is ever possible!

9. What is your favorite song? Why? As Long As the Grass Shall Grow by Johnny Cash – it is a classic love song about the journey of two people who had to wait for their time to love. But once together, nothing will ever separate them and they will love “as long as the grass shall grow”…It gets me in my heart every time

10. What is the first thing on your bucket list? I don’t have a “bucket list” but I do have a “To Do list” and I want to go to Smithsonian in DC (I know! I cannot believe I have never been!)

11. Who is your favorite actor/actress? Mark Walberg is a HOTTIE – in the words of Dottie from Animaniacs “Hellooooo Nurse!” (am I the only one who remembers that show?)

Now to name 11 8 blogs well worth a visit and ‘nominate’ them in turn (supposed to name 11 but I only have 8 nominations)

  1. allergictolifemybattle
  2. thejigglybits
  3. gardeniastreet
  4. patronsofthepit
  5. wingeyes
  6. jenowenby
  7. alesiablogs
  8. sweetjellybean