
20 Questions – Book Tag #booktag #bookaddict #amreading

Hey everyone and happy Tuesday to you all!

I saw this tag over Galit Balli’s blog-Coffee n Notes and I thought I would participate since I have not done one of these is a long while.


How many books are too many books in a series?

If the series is about the same couple, then 3 is my max. If the series is about a large family of siblings and extended family with each book being about a different character’s romance? As long as the stories are varied (don’t rehash the same plot), there is no such thing as too many.

Image result for give me all the books meme

How do you feel about cliffhangers?

I hate cliffhangers in series! Detest them with a passion! If a book has a cliffhanger, the author needs to tell me before I buy the book. I will decide if I want to wait and buy all the books to complete the story or leave it.

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Hard copy or paperback?

Paperbacks. Hardback books get heavy and I like to read on my back. Almost put my eye out one time…


Favorite Book?

ALL time favorite: A Wrinkle in Time. #allthefeels #loveiseverything

A least Favorite book?

I cannot remember the name. If I don’t like a book, I put it out of my mind and forget it completely.

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Love triangles, yes or no?

I hate love triangles like I hate cliffhangers. Love triangles annoy me because I like to mentally prepare myself for who will be end up with who by the end of the book. In a love triangle, I don’t know who to root for. My heart cannot take it.

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The most recent book you just couldn’t finish?

It was A SEAL’s Oath by Cora Seton. I usually like her books but this one was not doing it for me. I might try to read it again another time. I have not deleted off my kindle, so there’s that.

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A book you’re currently reading?

I am reading Dragon Craving: Emerald Dragons book 3. I wanted a book about dragon shifters and I have read other books by Amelia Jade.

Last book you recommended to someone?

I recommended Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter to a friend who said they wanted to read a suspense.

The oldest book you’ve read?

I think Jane Eyre. It was published in 1847.

The newest book you’ve read?

6+ Us Makes Eight by Nicole Elliot. It was published in May 2018. Despite what you might think, it was not as cheesy as it sounds.

Favorite Author?

Who has just one ???? I love so many: Cara Bristol, Terry Bolryder, Tessa Dare, Jasinda Wilder, Amanda Quick, Anna Hackett

Buying books or borrowing books?

I am 50/50 on this one. I buy A LOT of books, but I also borrow just as many from the library. That being said, I still have not signed up for Kindle Unlimited yet.

A book you dislike that everyone seems to like?

Probably The Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. I mainly dislike it for the length. I like reading books in one sitting. This book is too long for me to do that. Plus I don’t like books with the time travel element in the plot.

Image result for sorry not sorry meme

Bookmarks or dog ears?

I don’t usually use bookmarks, because I read in one sitting. But if I needed to, I would definitely use a bookmark!

A book you can always re-read

Wrinkle in Time, any of my Amanda Quick books, any Terry Bolryder or Cara Bristol books

Can you read whilst hearing music?


One pov or multiple pov’s?

I love a multiple POVs told from a third person point of view.

Do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple days?

I read books in one sitting. I have to finish otherwise I cannot think about anything else. I obsess over it until it is done.


One book you read because of the cover

There are too many to choose from because I do this ALL. THE. TIME. It works out for me sometimes. Like with the entire Dragon series by Terry Bolryder. But there are times, when I will include in my review that they need to pick a different cover..

Wow, that took longer than I expected, but I am glad I finished it. If you love books like me and want to do this too, consider yourself tagged! If you do take on this tag, don’t forget to link your post to me so that I could read your amazing answers!!! 

Blog Tour: Steel Rain Anthology #amreading #militaryromance

Title: Steel Rain Anthology
Authors:  Elizabeth Miller, A. Gorman, Carmen Jenner, C. J. Pinard, Danielle Jamie, Delisa Lynn, Katherine Rhodes, Michelle Graves , Niquel, Renea Porter
Genre: Military Romance Anthology
Release Date: November 11, 2016

The men and women who discharge from the military are never truly free from their service to our Country.

These men and women may fight in the forces which guard our country, but they’re about to declare war on your heart. In this emotional and sexy anthology, ten popular authors deliver stories of sacrifice, hope and redemption, all to bring awareness to the struggle our home grown heroes continue to battle. Don’t miss this irresistible limited edition set.


A. Gorman—A Gentle Touch
Carmen Jenner—Toward the Sound of Chaos
C.J. Pinard—Above Protection
Danielle Jamie— Rising from the Ashes
Delisa Lynn—Talon
Elizabeth Miller—Lawless
Katherine Rhodes—Hurricane Sky
Michelle Graves—The Leak in the Life Raft
Niquel—A Love Unknown
Renea Porter—Marred Beauty

All digital proceeds from this anthology will aid The Mission Continues. This non-profit organization empowers veterans to find purpose through community impact. With the help of the Mission Continues, veterans build new skills and networks that assist their reintegration into life after the military. For more information on this foundation visit:




A Gorman
Carmen Jenner 

C.J. Pinard 
Danielle Jamie

Delisa Lynn 

Elizabeth Miller 
Katherine Rhodes
Michelle Graves

Renea Porter


Would you rather #BookTag

Book Tag: Would you Rather

I am doing this because I was inspired by one of my fave bloggers Romance 4 the Beach

Feel free to be inspired and share your answers in the comments or link to your blog post with the same tag.

Would you rather only read trilogies or only read stand-alones?

Stand-alones. I hate with a passion trilogies where each book ends with a humongous cliffhanger to make you want to buy the next book. It is like the author is trying to strong arm you into buying 2 additional books.

Would you rather only read male or female authors?

Female authors. I read a lot of romance and I have not seen many male romance authors.

Would you rather shop at Barnes and Noble or Amazon?

Amazon. Since I love my Kindle (just got a paperwhite YAY), I buy most of my books from Amazon already.

Would you rather books were made into TV shows or movies?

I would like to say neither because I do not think either do the book justice. But if I have to choose – Movies. The TV shows are more likely go off script when there are more seasons than books. I am a purist with this sort of thing.

Would you rather read only 5 pages per day or 5 books per week?

5 books per week! Reading 5 pages per day seems like water torture.

Would you rather be a professional author or reviewer?

Professional reviewer. That would be how I am now, but I would be able to support myself financially too. That’s like a dream come true.

Would you rather be a librarian or a bookseller?

Librarian. I love libraries. Funny story: Growing up, I was complaining that I did not have enough money to buy more books. My mom told me that she knew of a place where I could read all the books I wanted for free.

“Where is this magical place?” I asked excitedly. 

The library.”

Would you rather read only your favorite genre, or every other genre but your favorite?

What kind of question is this? My favorite genre, OF COURSE! All day, every day. Only a masochist would choose otherwise.

Would you rather only read ebooks or physical books?

This is difficult but I guess I would have to choose ebooks. I have close to 1,000 ebooks in my Kindle library now. With unlimited storage in the cloud…Let’s just say that makes me very happy to think of all my books. To infinity and beyond.

Seven Deadly Sins of Reading

Tag: Seven Deadly Sins of Reading

I was tagged by Romance4thebeach to participate, and it has taken me a while to get my act together to respond.

Defined as: An intense and selfish desire for something.

What is your most expensive book?

I am a cheap person when it comes to buying book. I usually by books at thrift stores and the clearance rack at bookstores or in compilations on Amazon. My most expensive book that I can remember is Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore. It was a book club choice and had a long waiting list at the library. I have not started it yet but I think I will read it next weekend.

Defined as: Extreme anger.

What author do you have a love/hate relationship with?

Eve Langlais. I need her to write faster or longer books. Or give me little short cyborg stories to tide me over until she gets the next book finished. From the first book, I fell in love with her cyborg series. But the book is over too soon! I need more. I don’t want to leave the world she created, but the book is finished and I have to wait months before I get the next book.

Defined as: Intense over-indulgence.

What book have you devoured over and over with no shame?

Dangerous, Ravished, Rendezvous and pretty much any of those one word title books by Amanda Quick that she wrote the 90s. Her heroines are pretty much the same independent women with ingenious ideas that may not always go according to plan. Thank goodness there is a strong, silent, honorable hunk of hero to assist. It was all that I wanted my own romance life to be. And to a certain extent, I think that I display some of the characteristics of Quick’s heroines. And my hubby is very similar to Quick’s heroes.

Defined as: a reluctance to work or make an effort.

What book have you neglected to read due to laziness?

Any books from the Outlander series. I was excited about getting into her books because my friend said they were “awesome!”. I went to Amazon to buy it and saw it was 800 pages. Nope. Nope. Not for me. I like to read a whole book in one sitting. So the most I can read is about 500 pages a day. I am not trying to read a book like it’s a job. I got tired thinking about reading Outlander.

Defined as: satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.

What book do you talk about most in order to sound like an intellectual reader?

I think that I sometimes drop Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte into a conversation to let people know that I do not JUST read trashy romance novels.

Defined as: a strong sexual desire.

What attributes do you find attractive in male characters?

I love an alpha male. He is intelligent, witty, has a touch of a bad attitude, and comes across as a little cocky, but no one can argue because he has it going on. However, he becomes a softy in the hands of the heroine. He takes care of what is his and is fiercely loyal. While being rich (i.e. billionaire status) does not have to be part of the equation, it does help if money no object.

Defined as: a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck.

What book would you most like to receive as a gift?

So, I have to admit that I am a little greedy. I cannot just choose one book. I would LOVE it if someone would gift me the rest of the Billionaire’s Obsession Series by J.S Scott. I have read Simon, Sam, Max, Travis, Jason, and Tate’s stories. I NEED the rest. Even the ones that have not been published yet. I know the stories are going to great.

I nominate any bloggers that reads this to participate if they so desire. Let me know if you do this challenge because I would like to read your answers. Leave your link in the comments below.